I write clean, efficient and maintainable code to deliver reliable, scalable and user-centric software solutions. As a holder of the Meta Front-End Developer Certificate and a AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, I am well versed in the morden web and cloud development technologies, architecture, and best practises.
My major tech stacks include: Javascript/Typescript, the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node), and the following popular libraies and frameworks.
My Projects
Website for Little Lemon restaurant. It is the Capstone project for Meta Front-End Developer Professional Certificate. AWS lambda and SES are used to send confirmation email.
An online chat app to facilitate communication within companies or organizations. Developed with the MERN stack and the Socket.IO library to realize real-time communication.
A movie encyclopedia site, allowing users to make reviews/comments to a movie, and reply/follow/like other users' comments.
Capstone project for Meta React Native Specialization Certificate. Features include user onboarding, menu search and filtering, shopping cart and checkout, user profile editing and saving.
The legendary windows minesweeper game. I turn it into a web version. Find out all the mines now.
Website for a migration agency, built efficiently with WordPress. Taking care of domain name purchase and website hosting for the client business.
FRONT-END | HTML5CSS3JavascriptReact.jsTypescriptNext.jsReduxRedux ToolkitSocket.IOi18nextAxiosRTK QueryReact QueryFormikReact RouterNxViteTailwind CSSStyled-ComponentsMaterial UIChakra UIAnt DesignLESSWordPress |
BACK-END | Node.jsExpressNest.jsSocket.IOSwaggerPassportJWTOAuthTypeORMMongooseStripebcrypt |
TOOLS | ESLintPrettierHuskyPNPMGitHubBitBucketJiraFigmaGoogle AnalyticsPageSpeed InsightsJest |
CLOUD | AWS S3 EC2 API Gateway Lambda SES Route 53 AmplifyVercel |
Full-stack Developer
JungleMeet Forum
Full-stack Developer
Yabber Tech
Web Developer
iVision Studio